• Do you know what it is like
    Watching every dream and wish
    You've ever had, slip through your
    Fingers like bitter smoke?
    Watching every person that your
    Presence has touched
    Sicken and fade away, like
    An image reflected in a gilt bronze mirror,
    The surface no longer perfect,

    People start to turn on you,
    And you see the disgust and
    Hatred in their eyes as you walk on by?
    Alone.... Neglected and beaten down.
    After all they have done
    Why should you save them?
    You never did anything to make
    Them hate you.... Other than breathe.

    As the love you once felt fades away
    Like a dying flame, the heart you once had
    But then, as you lose hope for humanity
    Someone comes along
    And reaches out a kind hand,
    You have to rethink everything...
    A word here and there as they
    Nurture you back to health.
    You come to love this person,
    Trust them with your soul and your heart...

    One day, when your pain and fear is just a memory
    It will happen.

    You'll look in the mirror and see
    A haunting look in your eyes...
    You turn away, dismissing the
    Growing sense of panic in your gut,
    Latter you'll look back and say
    That you should have know...

    They will go and leave you.... not on purpose
    But death will come eventually...
    As you stand frozen in time,
    Never moving and never changing
    Your Curse is compleet.

    You lash out, seeking revenge,
    Trying to kill death itself and
    In your rage
    You will
    O R