• If you believe in miracles
    If you believe in love
    If you know many troubles
    Believe in God above

    If you ever feel like dying
    Know that Jesus died for you
    If you spend your time crying
    Know that I used to too

    But then I found a power
    Greater than my own
    A power that could save me
    From all the grief I know

    Well I know the waves can beat you down
    And life can be hard
    And I know that you've been through a lot
    And it's left you pretty scarred

    But believe me when I tell you
    I've been through a lot myself
    The pain this world has caused me
    Is more than I could tell

    I used to look in the mirror
    And hate what looked back at me
    An underlying fear
    That I was the cause of my grim destiny

    And as I wallowed
    In fear and self pity
    One day I looked on it all
    My lies, my sin, and my vanity

    I looked into the mirror
    Once again
    My eyes opened, I saw clearer
    A truth unveiled that released my sin

    All this time as I suffered in my sin
    My Lord stood ready to save me
    I only needed to let him in