• Since the beginning of Life, all
    Members of every family have protected one another.
    The only explanation for this strange behavior is Love.
    Our form of affections is an imitation of the true
    Feelings in Mother Earth. Nature ties
    Her soul into our own, bringing everything together.

    But our Mother knew that she could not keep us all together.
    Back in time, the Family was tiny, and we all
    Lived in unity on the same ground, tied
    To the same culture. Today, there is another
    Time, when the Family has grown to gigantic proportions, truly
    Just spread among a larger land, which is just as Loved.

    We cringe at the same pain, and we Love
    With the same passion. If, one day, we should all come together,
    We'll notice that we do indeed have our own different colors, sizes, but we truly
    Feel with the same emotions, just in different ways. When someone hurts one, they hurt all.
    Including themselves. When it is raining, we comfort one another.
    When the sun is shining, we spend our time in society, bending our ties.

    But in a world that goes as far as leaving the Grim Reaper tied
    to Life, who are we not to question ourselves? Can we not Love?
    We would learn so much from everyone if we would first learn to respect one another.
    If we work hard, we can even bring Realities and Fantasies together.
    What was proved today was only imagined yesterday. All
    things can grow to die and change into something else, this is the truth!

    Authorities make mistakes. The truth
    Is, we are not perfect. The Orphic Force is the Authority that ties
    Us to imperfection. There are no Superiors, and the proles are not Inferiors. We are all
    The same. Forgiveness exists because of the blessings of Love.
    And Prosperous are we when avoiding the long and sinful path to Death. Together,
    We grow things to infinite, triumphant heights! Nature is one of these things, and Hope is another.

    Love is an element that connects us all. Another
    Is Time, our Guardian, who keeps things moving to find the truth.
    We can tell that we are connected because when we stand together
    And look each other in the eyes, there is a Light in them that is tied
    To the souls, a Light that exists in the entire Family, forever fueled by Love.
    With this power, and with the support of each other, we can do it all.

    The Orphic Force binds us together, one way or another!
    We are all connected, this is the truth!
    We are tied by the strings of Love!