• this old man was so strong, he kept us going pushing us from behind
    you would have to be blind to not see his pain, but he kept it covered
    he never complaned, even with his half of his heart he loved us so
    he nurtured his children when their mother failed, though the devils they were
    he never bailed, every day we checked his mail
    saturdays we took him to breakfast at the Little Park Cafe, on Christmas
    we sat at his feet, and unwrapped his presents
    we fasioned hats from the wrapping paper and put a bow on his head,
    at thanksgiving we would go to his house, on the lake it still sits
    he would say his grace and we would eat away, my mom make the egg salad
    my aunt made the green jello, and on easter he would sit and watch over us
    prowd and still, and on his birthday we gave him cards
    and but more bows on his bald head, and every 4th of july he sat in his chair
    binauculars in hand, watching the eagles fly while sparks burst in the sky
    on the days to his death he sat in a hospital bed, i couldnt stand it
    such a strong man just sitting their at the mercy of nature, tubes coming out of his mouth and tubes going into his arms, i gripped his hand i never wanted to leave, on my last day with him i said "ill be back Papa, other people want to talk to you, and i love you like no other" and i let go of his hand, but little did i know this was the last time i'd see him, i still remember that moment walking to the car, my sister told me he had died but my mind just froze no tears of sadness no sobs of grief. i would never pitty my grandfather, he was a strong man, i will never forget you, you live on in my heart, you are now the family angel, may you live forever, to keep us pushing on.