• Trying to sleep in the dark.

    I lay in the dark. I would rather sit and stare at anything, but it's so black I can't see. The door is cracked open and the light shines through like a lighthouse in the deadly sea. In actuality the light is dull and threatening.

    Imagining, picturing a wall. Sandy bricks build themselves to the curve of my mind. The notion that something inconceivably horrid lies beyond the wall, eats at the little me that sits in front of the wall. I want to know. What lies behind.

    I take the rubber mallet, that I made from nothing, and swing. It breaks one brick. Then another. It seemed as though the me in my mind was making progress. Each brick I broke was replaced by a new one. I was distraught. I now could not remember what I thought was behind the wall. The only thing the me thought was I want something from behind here. I thought that where I was at the moment, was the wrong side.

    I open my eyes, seeing once again only darkness. Colors play tricks in the dark. My eyes thought they saw several different colored faces. I knew they weren't there. I watched trying to comfort myself, through the decent pictures. My mind always strayed back to the wall. It was comforting in the silent dark.

    Picturing the wall.

    Breaking the wall.

    Wanting behind the wall.

    Rebuilding the wall.

    Falling asleep...