• There are many faces that she portrays and theres one that she wont. She can hold everything in and show absolutly nothing. The girl you see is more complex then you could ever imagine. While everyone is going on with thier lives, she watches. The tears that fall, she catches. The anger and hate, she intakes. While she's always there when you call her name, no one is there to help her. She never said she wanted fame, paraise, or even glory. As she helps you conquer your devils, she is being torn apart by whats inside. Her heart breaks everyday but she would never let it show, it's better to hide. She pleases everyone, everyone but herself. The tollmit takes on her is about to win. If she ever took a minute for herself, her whole being would combust. One person can never do what a thousand can. Though she tries her hardest to help, advise,and conquer. Those demons always get put onto her. When will she finally give up? The day she dies. That day has come and none is there, she has helped so many people, yet no one came to her rescue. Shes only good enough when some one needs her, all the while there was so much more potential. She was never seen as she was only as she was portrayed.