• Words too afraid to speak
    Die before they pass my lips
    Will I lie again?

    My semblance of a promise
    Will break my word to you
    And only cause confusion

    Though I could scarcely care
    I have morals as well
    And I'm old enough to know right from wrong

    Please don't misinterpret my words
    Everyone tends to do that already
    If you don't understand then ask

    I can not be wrong any longer
    No more of my plans can be disrupted
    Wants and feelings die before they reach my heart

    And words that bring happiness
    Kill when they're only halfhearted
    Friends dream too big nowadays

    I can be a liar who tells only truth
    But who will ever bother to figure out
    The riddles that even I don't understand

    I can break a promise to you
    Because I can be too proud to admit
    What I did wrong in secret

    Who will change their mind
    When the gates are closing
    And unknown tears are shed

    My lies are all forgotten
    By everyone but me
    But no one will ever ask again, right?

    To everyone a letter
    Of a broken promise and a forgotten word
    And I sincerely apologize now.