Pee, Poop, Fart, Burp
Long ago the four nations lived together in the bathroom. Then everything changed when the farts started to attack. Only the Peptobismol, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed it most, it sold out. 100 years past and me and my brother found a new avatar, a burpmaster named Tom, and although his burping skills are great, he has alot to learn before he can cure anything. But I believe Tom can flush the toilet.

- Title: The Four Nations-Avatar Parody
- Artist: Rayzap
Well, they've been showing Avatar the Last Airbender ALOT lately, and I was joking around with my 7 year old brother(and you know how kids that young like saying poop and pee that stuff). Well we came up with a new opening.
A new cinema masterpiece. - Date: 06/28/2010
- Tags: four nationsavatar parody
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