• You promised you would be there for me, but you left me.
    You said you would be there with me no matter what becuase you love me.
    You said that you were luckiest end.
    well u said you would love me to the very guy in the world to have me in your arms but you changed your mind.
    You broke my heart when you broke up with me.
    You broke my heart when you cheated on me and lied.
    You need to ******** die.
    I didn't deserve to be made a fool out of, but you derserve to.
    You said you will love me to the very end.
    Well guess what....
    This is the end for me....
    So I'm going to lay down in my casket and die....
    All becuase you said you love me, but it was a LIE..... </3