• every time i see your face an expolsion arises inside of me.
    because i know, no matter what i try, i'll be the one you never love.
    i see you with her, touching slightly, and just sit and wonder, why?
    i'm just as good as her, aren't i? why can't that be me?
    i'm nothing to you, i know that, you told me it to my face.
    so why can't i just get over you, why can't i leave you in the dust,
    just like you did to me?
    i'm probably too pathetic to ever get over you, but still,
    why can't that be me?
    why? will i ever be good enough? for you? for anyone?
    i guess not. but it's not me who's pathetic, it's you.
    no one will be good enough for you. you'll just kick her to the curb,
    just like you did me. your the reason of your over flowing ego,
    and soon it will burst. no one will be there to help you pick up the peices.
    i 'll just stand over you and laugh, alongside the others you hurt.
    that will be the day i will finally tell you how i felt. then i'll tell you four simple words.
    sweet, sweet, words.
    i hate you now.