• The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Cardinal nine that day
    The score stood four to two but with one inning more to play
    And so, when J-Rod went down on strikes Mabry did the same
    A pallor wreathes the features of the fans of Redbird fame.

    A straggling few turned off the tube, the rest
    Clung to the hope that springs in the baseball fest
    They thought, "If only Pujols could get a whack, at that
    We'd even put up money now, with Pujols getting to the bat."

    But Eck bounced a single when he only had one strike more
    And Edmonds, the streaky slugger, then went and took ball four.
    So when the dust has settles, oh what a sight to see!
    There was Eckstein safe at second, and on first was Jimmy E.

    Then all across Cardinal Nation there arose a joyous yell
    It rumbled in the mountaintops, it rattled in the dell.
    It rolled against Busch Stadium and recoiled to where Walt sat
    For Pujols, mighty Pujols, was advancing to the bat.

    There was ease in Pujols' manner as he stepped up to the plate
    There was pride in Pujols' bearing, and focus upon his face.
    And when, with panic building, Houston fans started sounding flat,
    No stranger in the crowd could doubt, twas Pujols at the bat.

    All Cardinal eyes were on him as he knelt upon the dirt
    Praying for the strength to on that baseball put a hurt.
    And as the writhing pitcher got a visit on the mound
    There was a noticeable drop in the level of the sound.

    And now the leather-covered sphere comes hurtling through the air
    And Pujols took a rip a t it, missing it with inches to spare
    A slider from the closer Lidge had been the pitch he missed
    A groan went up from St. Louis, Houston cheered and hissed.

    From the benches, black with people, came decibels of sound
    As the Astros looked to be moving to the next round.
    And now Lidge holds the ball, and now he lets it go,
    And now the air is shattered by the force of Pujols' blow.

    Oh across all Cardinal Nation, the sun is shining bright
    Bands are playing somewhere, and all the hearts are light.
    So many men are laughing and telling their children of the sight,
    Because Albert Pujols hit the baseball long into the Texas night.