• These night are frigid, why does she keep lying?
    The pain has made me spend the last 8 months crying
    Over a loss of a love that wouldn't love in return
    A woman who would rather move on and watch me burn
    In the infinite depression of the flames of sorrow
    Hoping for an end to this day when i don't wanna see tomorrow
    For so long i've wanted to take the easy road out
    All i need is one bullet for the gun in my mouth
    So i can blow away the problems at discussion
    and put away the selfish fight and the ignorant fussing
    about what i've done wrong when she's doing the same
    but the problems and the blame seem to love my name
    they always are included when someone mentions me
    but that seems to be the only side that the people want to see
    totally skipping the fact that i was never in the wrong
    because they fell for the crocodile tears and the siren's song
    now i'm lonely, dying on the inside, begging for attention
    I can have any other girl i want but there's always something missing
    The pain has become a regular process i go through
    living in denial and unwillingly forced into solitude