• Mirror the soul as petals on a rose,
    always following the light to live.
    Mirror the emotions as veins over leaves,
    combining and connecting life to the petals.

    Mirror the memories as the stem,
    holding the petals high from danger.
    Mirror the seeds as future not yet attained,
    waiting to burst forth so that primal purpose is achieved.

    Mirror the roots in the earth as strength firm and true,
    keeping structure and grounding needed to survive.
    Mirror the pass of seasons from spring to winter,
    the cycle of the inevitable end faced by all.

    Mirror the rose in all it's beauty but hark the vicious spines,
    for even in life's grest beauty faliure and pain make what is possible.
    Mirror yourself now on the rose,
    take heed of it's pureness and strength for it is possesed by all.