• Silhouette, a lovely maiden
    Sitting by the Tree of Eden
    Silently I hear you breathing
    Slowly I wave back in greeting
    How are you, and how is he?
    Did you know we're meant to be
    Friends for all eternity?
    High-fives over chocolate shakes,
    Water skis on crystal lakes,
    Camping on the mountain peaks,
    Fishing in the bubbling creeks,
    Gaming in the early hours;
    Reading books and climbing towers,
    Fighting off an Orc invasion,
    Spreading peace across the nation.
    In this never-ending fantasy,
    I hope you'll always think of me
    As a good friend, eternally.
    Without you, my precious cherry
    Gaia would be quite contrary
    To the joyful place we carry.
    Pummkin, know I think of thee
    Whenever I log on and see
    A PM message flagged in blue,
    my inbox packed with words from you.

    biggrin rofl my words ring true.