• It only takes one to love you

    And only takes one to break your heart.

    It only takes one to raise your hopes

    And only one to crush them.

    It only takes one to lift you up

    And only one to bring you down.

    It only takes one to make you feel beautiful

    And only one to make you feel hideous.

    It only takes one to make you feel unbreakable

    And only one to make you feel as fragile as glass.

    It only takes one to save your life

    And only one to end it.

    It takes only one to make you live

    And only one to let you die.

    It only takes one to make you smile

    And only one to make you cry.

    It only takes one to help you

    And only one to hurt you.

    In the end....it only takes one...

    One to be a true friend....

    Or one to be your worst enemy....

    One to help you

    One to hurt you

    One to love you

    One to leave you

    One to raise you up

    One to bring you down

    One to save your life

    and one to watch you die...

    And suffer..

    And cause pain...

    Or to help,

    to heal,

    And to save you from yourself....

    In the end....

    It only takes one....

    Just one...