• Justice is unjust. It is unjust to my heart. Unjust to my soul.
    Our hearts say yes, then say no, over and over again.
    Real emotions cut through the false front. I am exposed.
    Deafening cries escape the mouth and pierce innocent ears,
    Amplified by the heart-twisting agony that the cry-er feels...
    Nostalgia bubbles in the chest, remembering words whispered adoringly.
    Justice remains unjust. What justice done is wrongly done upon me.
    An unjust feeling, unjust words and actions, an unjust lie. Always a lie.
    Maybe injustice is the new justice, and agony is the new euphoria.
    Even so, these feelings won't simply disappear like I want them to.
    Subconsciously they will linger, and find it's way deeper so it will never leave.
    Come to accept that I will never move on, and that I'll always feel this
    Ongoing hate and pain, attempting to grab his heart to make it mine
    Not only to realize that I can't, but that it is okay to hate and
    To want him all for myself. But all that can be done is to keep to myself that
    I love him.