• title: Once Upon a Time, in a place called "The Land of Opportunity."

    PART: 3

    And you can see it in their eyes, in their faces, they are suffering; All the countless years of stress, work, the mundane, novelty.

    You can see it when their children start to misbehave.
    You can see it when they look into an empty wallet.
    You can see it when they find something they don't like on the ATM machine.
    You can see it when they leave the store without any purchases; empty handed.

    And as I stood their brooding, I realized.... I'm just like them.
    Broke, with a dead-end job, hitting rock-bottom with nowhere to go but up, yet unable to make that stand.

    I've always have blamed the economy and government for MY misfortune, but now that I see it, I'm not the only one.
    There's a whole mega-sized convenient store in every city that's filled with people like me.
    So how do you know if you are better than them????

    You do something about it.