• Drifting high into the sky, spreading your cause
    Seeping into the pores, the nose, the eyes, the skin
    Coming in with each breath and out with the other
    Your smell intoxicates my mind with thoughts of hate
    As a drag is taken and inhaled into the lungs
    Your poison takes hold and makes people love
    You yet hate you with a deadly passion
    Yet you caress their needs with stinging chemical kisses
    Damning them with your love
    Look in any store and there you will see
    The unattended drug that takes about 3
    Million with cancer and diseases well known
    Yet many more pay and suck on your love
    Knowing the fate that awaits
    Why is it that all the other killers
    Meth, crack, angel, weed, heroin, pcp
    Are banned by the law
    Yet this killer dances in front of our faces
    Over our heads
    Behind our backs
    And inside our bodies
    Taking more than any of those drugs have the right to brag about
    For this one is legal and watches
    As others get busted and are shut out
    It smiles in their faces as the body count rises
    It does not discriminate
    Black, white, skinny, fat, young, old, short, tall
    It loves to kill and will kill all
    For this is an unattended drug that grips you with sweet words
    A euphoria that takes you high and releases your mind
    Yet ultimately takes it away into the dark abyss of death
    And many have tried to lay it down to rest
    But it rises like the undead
    And what have we done?
    Nothing but encourage this killer of man
    Puff, breathe, puff, suck, blow, spreading the poison
    Of this unattended drug