• Hello?
    Is anyone there?
    Are you here to "help" me?
    Many have tried heh but all have failed
    I have remained here for a long time
    Light never reaches me in here
    You smile why?
    Your laughing now why?
    Why are you laughing at my suffering?Why?
    Everything i loved has been taken from me and i was put in here to-
    Why am i telling this to you?
    You you you are the one who told them and signed me in
    This place has gives me-
    Agian why am i telling you?
    I shrink against the wall
    Afraid of what?
    You dont know so you come closer
    I move as far away as possible
    Closer closer until i can see your pupils of your eyes
    I am not afraid of you
    I have never been afraid of you
    I am afraid of myself
    And what i can do to you
    You smile my temper rages
    You laugh
    I hold back my fist bleeding with rage
    I snap
    I lose my temper
    I dont remember
    I only see you smiling as i hit you
    I cant feel each blow against you blood covered skin
    I dont see anything else
    How long has it been?
    A year?2?
    I remember killing them and now im done
    Im done
    I sigh as i walk to the table
    i lay down
    I smile as they put a needle in my arm
    I smile as i feel the poison flowing through my veins
    Shutting down my brain
    Then at last my heart
    It stops
    Dark sweeps over me
    I die