• As the flower petals float down so gently, obscuring the uncertain fate that belies.
    Can you see the mask I have so carefully placed upon my face?
    Can you see how elegantly we dance the routine?
    This dance that we do each day as we attempt to grasp the rhythm.
    Only when the curtain rises will you perceive the taciturn truth that hides behind the reprise.
    That there is a stage that is dividing us. Yet are we striding towards a fate that we cannot escape?
    So beautifully we spin our lies as we step onto the dance floor.
    Only once we are hand in hand, our eyes locked upon one another, shall our facades finally fall.
    If love is a lie, one we go through every step so carefully, the truth shall not be sought.
    For only in this beautiful falsity is a fate bended and swayed towards happiness.
    If the intent is sincere and the passion is real, who is just in encroaching upon this dance we preform?
    Only until we have finished seeing through our disbeliefs can we find the hidden blossom.