• There is a burning emotion inside
    It sears me to the core.
    This fire is triggered by one thing only,
    You in all of your so-called glory.
    This emotion is not good
    It is not love, nor pity, nor jealousy.
    It is not a mere dislike
    nor is it a lack of passion.
    It is not as simple as a grudge.
    It is not that I am cold or heartless
    I am neither of these things,
    Except to you.
    Nay, this flame is nothing less than hate!
    A furious rage
    One never pacified by revenge
    One never satisfied by the harshest brutality.
    Whether your body burns forever in hell,
    Whether you float through limbo,
    Whether fire ants slowly devour your still living, pitiful, corpse,
    Whether you're tortured til your last, ragged breath,
    I will still hate you
    It will never be enough!
    I hate you.
    A hatred with a furious passion that burns like no other
    The mere thought of you,
    I am disgusted beyond comprehension
    I spit, bile rises in my throat,
    my entire body...
    it heaves with the hatred and disgust I have for you.
    Oh! How I hate you!
    Every article of clothing you wear is distasteful.
    Every single hair
    Small and large on your body and your horrid head,
    They are like Medusa's snakes!
    Vile! Dirty! And evil
    The color of your eyes
    I banish it from the rainbow!
    None of your hideous wickedness should ever enter
    Enter, be associated with
    Something of such beauty and innocence
    Your entity is evil
    Phsycics would mistake you for the most demonic of demons!
    Oh! How I loath your very exsistance!
    It shakes me to the bones to try to find words,
    Of how I hate you.
    There is no punishment,
    No treatment,
    No decision, that is harsh enough for you.
    No act that is vile enough for you.
    How dare you exsist!
    How dare you lay a hand in my life!
    Your skin,
    The very epitomy of everything gross
    Everything vile.
    You deserve more than eternal damnation,
    and for these reasons I hate you.
    I will always hate you.
    Even in the glory of death and afterlife.
    I hate you
    I loath you
    I will eternally wish you unhappiness
    Because I hate you and your pitiful, disgusting, worthless exsistance!
    And I always