• Love, hate
    It's all the same right?
    No matter how you think about it,
    The two OPPISITES are the same

    Love ends you in a pit and you fall into it
    and boom
    You're stuck in a pit of cold, hard dirt and rocks

    Hate starts yourself in the pit
    and slip
    Let that cold hard rock dig under your nails,
    You scream out and yet you are alone
    Though laughter comes from above

    What difference does it have?
    Love makes you feel happy because it lies to you
    and then it pushes you into the pit
    Hate is when you're already in that stupid pit
    and all it does let you stay in there

    Of course that's where vengence comes in
    but why should I head into the suppouting cast of this,
    Twisted show of ours

    Maybe I shall draw the curtains here?
    Maybe I'll just drop a rock on you making your life more miserible?
    Maybe love has already past by you and pushed you into the pit,
    and maybe hate has gotten under your nails and is laughing at you.