• The cold wind screeches by,
    my heart hangs, bleeding and tattered as the darkness takes hold.
    I don't want him to leave, not now.

    The Icy wind passes by,
    this time I nearly freeze to death,
    my gut tells me to leave but I stay because my siblings need me,
    I love my dad.

    Winter has come too early now,
    blurry is the vision of the lost one,
    confused and nearly dead, I'm thrown out to the wolves,
    I am worthless.

    The cool wolves stand in my way,
    My dad's sisters say what they wanted to and I say nothing,
    I want them to leave, I don't need to hear their voices.

    I look them in the icy eyes and listen,
    they bark, "Don't go to my brother and say angry things to him."
    My heart sinks, I want to die.

    Every where in the Hospital it is cold, especially in this part,
    the coma is strange to me like the evil ways of my aunties,
    I see him laying there unmoving and I want him to open his eyes and say, "It's okay my girl."
    I lost my dad, not my brother, uncle, cousin, or son, It was my father.