• How beautiful you are, my protector
    I will be here when you return, I will be waiting
    toss me aside, still I will return
    I am your slave, do with me as you will
    beat me, kick me, I will still love you
    all I need is you, just you
    the way your arms used to hold me
    the way you loved and protected me
    before you hated me
    there is a price to pay by bieng close
    and that I will gladly pay,
    the pain means nothing just love me, hold me
    this is nothing after all thats come my way
    If your day was bad, I will be here
    You got fired from work again, I am here
    You need something to hit, when you are drunk
    I am here
    Even though you hate me, you try to end my life
    but even in death I will love you, I will be there