• A bird without its eyes,
    A world filled with vast places,
    What's the chance of it finding its way?
    How will it move?

    Its eyes are gone,
    It's wandering, not knowing where to go
    Where to stop and relax
    Where to begin its life

    Wandering helplessly alone
    It's so confused in this huge world
    Its one navigation has been torn off
    Torn off by a vicious creature that it calls Hell

    Flying into unknown places
    Places that could be Heaven or Hell
    A hell where its body can be finally separated from its soul
    Or Heaven where its eyes will be reuinited wih its body

    But, what's the chances of finding the place where it belongs?
    What's the possibilities of it finding its way, blindly?
    What is the chance that it can live happily?
    Live happily with its lost body
    A body with no navigation