• I am a child of rebellion,
    against thou,
    the Masters of Time.

    I rant and rave,
    beat against the locked,
    barred wooden door
    to years long past.
    Defiantly and anguishly,
    I scream until hoarse.
    Angry of precious minutes wasted -
    Angry of precious would-be memories
    robbed, robbed of a chance and
    resolutely thrown out.

    I glare and hiss,
    you stare stone silent as if
    to unnerve me.
    After cold inquiry,
    smug smiles,
    Careless sneers,
    You ask why I,
    such a meek powerless child,
    would dare go against thou?
    Why I will not crawl
    away scared and pathetic.
    You would never understand
    and, I would never waste my breath on such
    petty matters.

    But really, does it matter?
    Does it matter that much to you?

    You tell me to go back, to stop
    wasting even more treasured
    seconds, minutes and hours.

    I cannot refuse. You know as well
    as I do that I, who dared to speak against,
    has lost. Lost.

    But as long as you reign,
    remember it,
    remember the pierce of my gaze,
    the wild and fierce spirit within me
    and my determined soul.
    Don't dare forget,
    the child of rebellion
    against thou,
    the Masters of Time.