• A jolt from this dream, I awake to the cold
    The thunderous roar bleeds into life
    As the soiled pillow tells of my strife
    My petrified body is bent to a fold

    Clashing in night, the worst kind of noise
    The memories, that night, it’s all coming back
    Bright lights flashing, a shadow so black
    The heavens are clapping for one with no poise

    The rain gives no comfort, as it usually can
    It only makes louder a thunderous boom
    That marked a girl’s path to unfortunate doom
    She whispers her tales of faraway lands

    The story is mine, is his, is her’s
    What will I gain from a painful past?
    Worries and worries, insecure casts
    Every befriendment a terrible curse

    Radical rumblings mark radical change
    A life with no comfort is all I can wish
    A life where this girl, no one will miss
    For she is much too tainted and strange

    A sorrow of parting, but there’s only one choice
    Left to the girl who has lost all her voice