• Cut me open like a wound
    My life feels purposeless without you
    But you just stand there
    Watching the blood flow
    Watching it drop down
    How could I've known
    That you never meant me
    But you still cut me open
    And let me bleed
    So what kind of person are you
    To leave me bleeding inside
    With no pain or passion
    No time is passing by
    Yet the wound gets deeper
    Every time I hear your name
    Even though time hasn't called upon you
    And no sounds are made
    Should you let the blood continue to flow
    I hate you
    Just thought you'd need to know.

    Even though the wound is deep
    And the blood continues to flow
    It is proof that I was
    And am alive
    You stand there emotionless
    Like a statue with no life
    How could you stand there
    Seeing the blood drop
    Slowly, one by one
    Your body begins to fall
    I should have known all along
    That you were fake
    Not the truth
    So now...

    I know where your love comes from.