• People laugh and play
    Though show no pain
    As the fake smile's seem to dance
    Not wanting to show their weekness

    No one shall know their pain
    No one shall know my pain
    As I laugh and dance
    Sing and smile
    Cry and fear
    No one shall know

    For now we live in a world
    Where with one little word
    People believe.
    That is why it is so easy
    For people to get hurt like they do

    Cause no one really know what to do
    As the sit and sob all day
    And the only one already has a date

    I've been there and back
    And I will tell you
    I don't want to go back

    People get hurt
    People shall cry
    But they shall never blame theirselfs
    In the end it's always the others fault

    So smile those fake smiles
    And laugh those pointless giggles
    For no one shall know your pain
    For no one shall know my pain

    In the end...