• Sing me a song of what used to be,

    Make the lyrics come alive.

    This melody you must sing for me

    Before the day I die.

    Make the air around me dance

    And my ears ring with pleasure.

    My love, make me happy now

    For my days are becoming few.

    Sing me a song of happy times,

    When my health was like brand new.

    Fill my head with happy thoughts

    And my heart with all your love.

    This song must be as pure

    As a lovely morning dove.

    As each day passes I feel my heart slow

    Make these last days meaningful

    So make this song flow.

    Sing to me my darling

    Of our long life.

    Because mine will soon be ending


    Sing me a song of what used to be

    Keep my memory alive.

    This melody you must sing for me

    Because today is the day I die.

    -Marleigh (ChimeOfTheChosen_mmIZn)