• Alone we sit, my love and I. Some days we dance, some days we fly.
    Her ebony skin, her ivory smile. At night I caress her, she sings all the while.
    The moonlight does free her serenade’s embrace. The moon holds us both, her song, my face.
    Seal off the house, my dearest and I, this is our grave. Forever, we lie.
    I whisper sweet nothings, she sings all the louder. Her song is most haunting in the midnight hour.
    When the moon climbs highest, my spirits race, all I have left is her song’s embrace.
    My earthbound angel’s symphony I lead, we sing until sunrise, never stopping to feed.
    This house is her prison, her song is my heaven. Love, make a wish, its nearly eleven.
    My wish was granted long ago. Though I die, my love and I stay below.