• A party
    Some beer
    One Car
    One Crash
    I never knew this would happen so soon
    why me?
    WHY NOW?
    I Never wanted to die
    I never should have had those drinks
    I never should have gotten in that car
    But i died
    And i had those drinks
    And i got in that car
    Why did i say "Im ok, i can drive."
    When i knew i couldn't

    Now im in a waiting room
    I dont know were it is or what its for
    All i know is there are other people in this room waiting
    But what are we waiting for?
    Then i hear a voice It calls my name
    It comes from a desk
    I walk up
    I ask "what is this place"
    No answer
    The person behind the desk points to a book
    The book looks as old as time
    Its has thousands of pages
    All with lists of names
    The person behind the desk tells me to write my name down
    I pick up the pen
    Its too looks old as the book does
    I dip it into the ink
    Blood ink
    So I write in blood my name
    I write in the Book of Death