• how many people must be pushed
    to the end of themselves
    how many time can one be mocked
    till they can no longer see who they are

    they are ridiculed and pushed away
    until they no longer accept themselves
    they are told that their life is meaningless so many times
    that they believe it to be true

    they need a hero
    not one with super powers
    or someone handsome or popular
    a hero to them is a friend

    a person who believes in them
    who loves them the way they are
    who wants only to know
    that their friend is safe and cared for

    be their hero
    be their friend
    tell them their life is meaningful
    until they finally realize how true it is

    or are you the villain
    the one who scoffs and laughs
    the one who doesn't care if someone live or dies
    the one who loves only that of themselves

    to the hero, the victim, and the villain i say this
    it may not be today, it may not be tomorrow
    but the one thing i know is this
    in the end the villain always crumbles and the victim is saved and the hero claims victory

    so walk away from this read and know this
    for it is your choice what role you play
    whether the hero or the villain
    you have the choice