• Veins thrumming, like guitar strings
    Hips swaying, softly, absently
    Blood pounds and sings, a primal rhythm
    Eyes glint, laughter flows freely

    Life is an unfolded fern
    Anything or Everything or Nothing
    Could be waiting beyond the horizon

    We are products of the Past
    We are agents of the Future
    We are young
    The world is cherished
    Time is of no matter
    Our minds catch and ignite
    On fancies, causes, wishes, dreams

    The shabby is beautiful.
    The poor are rich.
    The foolish is witty.
    The powerless shape the world.
    In despair there is hope.

    Uncertainty and confidence dance
    Arm in arm, a graceful waltz
    All is Vitality and naiveté and change