• Pictures move

    i sit next to you
    and you next to me
    like anybody in this theater

    and like any girl in this theater
    i feel nervous
    shaking? yes
    nervous? definitely

    you shuffle in your seat
    are you nervous too?
    it seems like your into the movie

    so i decide to do the same
    watch the characters and pictures move
    so many things happening at once
    all in motion

    but suddenly and unexpectedly
    your hand intertwines with mine
    holding hands
    are we feeling the same feelings tonight?

    i look back at the screen
    and feel you move a little
    i have a feeling you know whats going to happen next
    but i act like im unaware of anything

    Oh no! i start to realize
    could this be that scene
    the girls just wish that would happen to them one day?

    maybe today is my day
    but who knows
    you cant always have your hopes up

    As the actor leans forward to the beautiful actress
    you hold my hand and turn to look at me
    i swear i could throw up a river of butterflies right about now

    The actor leans closer
    you do the same
    its like your mimicking the same thing he does
    i guess were having our own little movie scene

    shaking? yes
    nervous? yes
    blushing? very much.

    The actor and actress collide lips
    and you do the same
    are you nervous too?

    smiling,blushing i look away
    so breathless
    so many feelings
    that just combine
    to make only one

    for some reason your not done
    you bring me back up
    and kiss me again
    but this time it feels like forever

    you decide to kill me instantly
    by saying such powerful words
    "i love you"

    and the way you said it
    just destroyed my misery
    and brought light into my darkest days

    credits are rolling
    famous actors are mentioned
    that movie scene lasted 5 minutes
    but my movie scene lasted forever