• im tired of living this life
    i said still holding the knife
    words were repeating in my head
    saying you are better off dead

    and then in my head i hear a voice
    saying they'll give me a choice
    telling me ways i could die
    to pick one of them and try

    saying go ahead and slit your wrist
    since u know u wouldn't be missed
    go ahead and stab your heart
    since it was already torn apart

    go ahead and steal your fathers gun
    make this game alittle more fun
    Aim towards your head
    just one shot and you'll be dead

    its true i am better off dead
    i believe the voice in my head
    since it happened to be that voice is mine
    it turned cold, distant and no longer kind

    I already decided on the way i will die
    i grabbed the knife and began to cry
    with one quick movement i slit my wrist
    saying to myself i would not be missed