• they all lied, push the buttons, live the life.
    push the buttons, live the lie.
    push the buttons, nice try.
    compromise from birth i die, together may never be in me.
    the second hand flashing, courage, courage, mtv puppeteer,
    holding the strings, i sing song and dance,
    live behind the image, live behind the hands.
    flash in the pants, flash in the camera blasts,
    and the children know the professional from the amateur.
    ooph, the curtain closes at the end of the night,
    i pack my tools but it's not right, not quite enough,
    compensation for this strong conversation.
    entertainment in situations, estrangement is the arrangement,
    like these drum patterns i dance to, unpredictable,
    crowds can be hostile but sometimes hospitable.
    checks unsplitable and i owe half to my craft
    but the puppets sit and laugh, sit and laugh,
    i sit in the math, the half of 3.14.
    i love my heart but i want more, so much more.
    unmatched hopes for an eternity, from birth to maternity,
    slumbersome, cumbersome emergency.
    i emerge and see the stage once again.
    on the end of the stage, my only friend
    and i pretend the world works in the same way
    as the stage that i control the box with no front,
    and no hole in the top.