• if only i could tell you how much you mean to me
    you are everything to me , you have been there for me through thick and thin
    i wish there was a way to tell you how much you mean to me , or how much i love you
    words cant explain it , not even verbally as in talking . i guess it's hard for all people to express their feelings , the way they feel them .
    sometimes people barry thier feelings under lies, and create the person they never intended to be , but feel better about themselvs as the lie they have become .
    like some of the popular girls in my school , date guys and they could have about 7 boyfriends in a month and tell each one of them she loves them , then next morning break up with them because they dont feel the love anymore or they "love" someone else . But really love no one and never did , the lie they live just takes over , but it's only a mask because they think no boy will love them for who they are . but no boy or man will ever love the lie they have become .
    i think all people have masks just some are deeper more drawn into then others some people neglect the fact they have a mask and could fall into it anyday . it takes one lie to become a lie . you just have to find the right person to help you find the truth and that is your true love .

    your heart is meerly a puzzle , remember that you have to pick wrong pieces to find the right piece your looking for .