• Your face
    It haunts me
    Those deathe blue eyes pierce my soul
    holding me captive
    I cannot run
    I cannot hide
    The darkest truth freezes my feet
    My heart begins to pound
    Your gaze searches my soul
    I cannot breathe
    I cannot find solace in what i once held dear
    I find myself alone
    Alone with the pain and shame
    For what i once hid
    has now been revealed
    Gone from being locked up tight
    To floating free
    A secret that has been told
    A door that has opened
    A truth i simply cannot face
    But which stares straight into my eyes
    Boring deep
    A truth to tear me apart
    To rip away hope
    To shred any small joy
    A truth to maim
    A truth to kill
    A truth that will be the death of me
    Because the truth is..
    You don't love me the way i love you..
    And you never will.