• Life is long,
    Life is cold; we live to die
    For we all grow old.
    What happened to young ambition? When we dreamed of adventures in the classroom.
    Replaced by the sweat-stained face of teenage delusion
    And scarred with rebellion and stupid illusions,
    Of grandeur in suffering and glory in death…
    Once, long ago, the stars were the goal
    And from this pit, this bottomless hole,
    I see now their light, orbs of brilliance in the dark, empty sky.
    No one ever told me something vital and true,
    I tell you this now; not to be cruel but to say what is true,
    Something simple that your parents, in their endeavour to be supportive and kind,
    They failed to tell you, and so left you helpless and blind, it is this:
    To try the impossible leads you only to fail, the moon is unreachable
    And even if, like a bird, you could fly
    You find out the hard way,
    The stars are too high.