• The midnight sky flies over the frozen meadow,
    As I cross,
    the grass breaks beneath my feet,
    And overhead I see a star fly,
    There is only one wish I could ever want to make,

    My body is surrounded by the winds loud bellows,
    And I decide it is time to let go,
    The sun meets the end of the horizan,
    Oranges, reds, and pinks take over the sky,
    I make my wish before I have to awake,

    I leave the meadow,
    But before I leave,
    I leave the cross that laid upon my simple heartbeat,
    I leave the cross on the hill that is so high,
    Knowing that my wish is not fake,

    Gone goes the midnight shadows,
    And the last bit of the moon is besides the sun,
    I pat the ground around my cross to make sure it is neat,
    And I was about to cry,
    So I run so fast to make sure my heart doesnt break,

    But it was too late and the tears started to flow,
    I remembered you again,
    And how you were so sweet,
    And we had enough memories to fill a life time,
    But you made a stupid mistake,

    The tears started to slow,
    because i remember the good memories,
    instead of the discreet,
    and this is the end of our line,
    So i leave you in your grave,
    and walk away,
    leaving my wish for you to come back, behind.