• Cold crisp air filling a dark insufferable room.
    This room being more of a prison or coffin in whatever perspective you wanna take it.
    the doors keeping all hope out as well as anything ever positive from entering these four walls.
    The shades pulled down for no light will enter or be welcomed in.
    All who enter see this dark, suffering and hopeless place, yet it is home to many at some time.
    A place of solidarity and hopelessness.
    But a place comforted by the cold walls that close them in.
    This is their world, their home for they are locked it.
    Once you have visited this place, leaving requires great strength.
    It is a frightfully lonely place.
    but for those who enter, loneliness is already a part of who they are.
    The time is dull and passes rather slow.
    Sleep is an endless hobby for many.
    The endless dreams of what may never come brings more defeat into this world.
    A world that welcomes all those like them; who sees the outside as a hurtful place.
    Dreams that may never come true and love that falls apart.
    Many here seek refuge from the pain, wanting time to past hastily so that their "Maker" will soon be met.
    The "Maker", that hopefully, will be the only sign of hope and happiness they will ever experience.
    The "Maker", who enters this dark and lowly place, slipping in through shadows of this despair.
    Some say this world is not for them and I pray it may never be.
    For all that enter this place are damned to never feel all that is good outside or have the desire to.
    Some pull themselves out of this place but many die within these walls fearful, hurting and lonely.
    Again, I pry that you never need see this world which I am a regular visitor in.