• In the end, their stood only one.
    To rise above the ashes
    To carry on the name.
    But even as you enter your darkest days
    You must always carry the light
    For it burns always

    Your light of hope, will, and determination
    Will always brighten the path dimmed
    By fear, sadness, and hatred
    So don’t let the shadows intimidate you
    For the shadows do not exist without the light

    So don’t let these tears extinguish
    The fire that burns inside
    Let them fuel flame to allow it
    To burn brighter than ever before

    Though alone you feel
    Facing the world’s army of despair
    Know that a draft of love was declared
    And your family and friends have answered that call

    So turn not the sword against yourself
    Surrendering to death
    Drop you sword instead
    Stair down the abyss
    And charge ahead knowing not what lies
    Beyond the void.
    For the power in your hands alone
    Will over through any kingdom of sorrow

    And along side your passion
    The support of your loved ones
    Will rebuild the emptiness left inside
    To create a new world to claim
    As your own.