• I hear America singing,
    And yet I fear America singing.
    The voices raised to the heavens,
    Stifling themselves,
    Drowning themselves out.
    You can hear them, while I still hear none.
    Each day people live, love, and die.
    Each day brings out the world’s shouts and cries.

    The thousands of throng of the tired
    tethered to their theology and society
    scaring the sane, scaring the strong.

    The multitude of men working like animals.
    The men destroying their bodies for the
    real animals in the offices.
    Their hands are bone.

    I fear the voices of the women watching their husbands
    Work ‘til their death.
    Their homes sloven.
    Their children unkempt.
    Themselves ragged and torn.

    I fear the voices of America, I fear what I may hear.