• This voice always goes around in my mind.
    I always thought it was nothing...
    No it's not just a voice.
    It echoes "Reality is the key." What? Reality is the key to what?
    Think about reality, The ground you stand on, the air you breath, the trees that give oxygen , and the fluffy clouds that give us the weather.
    The MOST important thing about reality is everyones life.

    So I now ask you this question again ,
    What is Reality the key to?

    Think about nature, water , and animals.
    This isn't frustrating.
    .......... I'm waiting even though it will take eons.

    Hmm, Reality is the key to most anything right ?
    Eons gave me the clue, including nature.
    Young one you are correct I asked you about this
    because everyone does live in reality.
    *The girl woke up*

    Woah! What just happened
    She looked out the window looking at Reality.

    The End exclaim biggrin