• The pain I feel inside my head is so languishing.
    Its the call of the vexing.
    I set my mind ablaze.
    Its like a bitter craze.
    Why do I have to go with this misery?
    Now its only turned to a memory.
    All I go through now is travail.
    My mind feels so stale.
    I wait for the morrow
    but all I feel is sorrow.
    All that gets in the way is my preceding.
    Through my head it keeps proceeding.
    All that's left is my unbroken.
    I guess that's the only token.
    Its like its so impassioned.
    Sometimes I feel there's no more room for the rationed.
    I feel that everyone I know is so churlish.
    Its like a game that's so childish.
    Is my life so regrettable?
    Or is it my thought that its so terrible?
    The pain I feel is so contrite.
    My mind just goes aflight.
    I use this to make people think,
    but I'm the only one that does think.
    Why cant my mind just blink?
    In ways I feel so omitted.
    People say I'm not but I still feel unaccounted.
    This mislaid heart relies on my head.
    So why is it telling me that I feel so dead?