• I know you don't like me
    And by now I hope you hate me
    You probably wish you'd never met me
    But that isn't going to stop me

    I'd like to wish
    A Merry Christmas and New Year's wish
    Our shooting star, I made my wish
    For what are you going to wish?

    I used to love you
    I can't forget you
    I'm plagued now, what hurts is you
    But the one I hope happy is you

    I'd like you to know
    I lied, too, but you didn't know
    Full of regret, I know
    I still love you, you know

    Too many regrets, they make me cry
    You held me close when I'd cry
    Now you say, "Stay away when you cry"
    And don't know you're the reason I cry

    So I really didn't mean to get into that
    I'm sure no one wants to hear about that
    But as for you, I hope you remember that
    Please don't forget any of that

    No, don't forget about "us."