• In the darkness of the night, no one sees her tears,
    They fall from her eyes like two petals.
    Her friends at school see her hurt,
    See her want to give up.
    They try to cheer her up,
    But how can they when she sees him?
    It's not right anymore; to know that she can't be with him.
    Every day she sees him with her,
    And it shatters her,
    She cries at night, knowing that her only escape will never come.
    Her friends say he'll regret it,
    To move on,
    Find someone better,
    Love like it hurts.
    But when the one person she wants, seems like he doesn't want her back,
    What does she do?
    Does she hide and run away?
    Does she scream to the heavans that yes, love does hurt?
    Does she look on at them every time they walk by together and try not to break down?
    Or does she leave them alone, without a fight.
    Pretend to smile, and put up a wall around her heart that she will never love anyone again.
    Put her mask up, and cry on the inside.
    It's hard to do, but sometimes that all thats left.
    So she'll put her mask on, knowing that those closest to her can see through her pain,
    Knowing that they want to hurt him,
    But she stops them every time with the words, "Leave him be.It's his life, and thats who he chose."
    They look at her with sadness in their eyes for her,
    And they tell her to move on,
    To stop giving him, her love; because its one of a kind and she loves so many people,
    But she can't stop giving him, her love;
    Because she wants to believe that eventually he'll realize what he's missing;
    And no matter what, he'll realize that she loves him.
    So she avoids him for now; thinking that he could be mad at her,
    For what though?
    She made her mistakes and she wants to take them back, but cant.
    Once they were friends, but now it fades away;
    And she sees how she treats him,
    Wants to smack him and tell him to leave her,
    That she's not good enough,
    But she doesn't.
    Instead, she cries into her pillow every night,
    Hoping and praying to win the fight.
    And the rain from above darkens the skies,
    Filling her heart with tears and lies.
    Maybe one day the rain will stop,
    And that's when she'll get back the key of her heart to open the lock.