• She and I sat on the front porch,
    the gray clouds above us, ominous.
    But we both knew what would pour forth from them.
    Rain, the entire beauty of nature
    amassed into a single element.
    The first droplets started to fall
    bringing life to our faces.
    Our smiles began to show.
    It began to pour,
    the rhythm and beats picking up tempo
    as though a fierce battle were approaching.
    This is what we lived for, her and I.
    This was our lives, our romance, our beauty,
    all gathered into a single beautiful piece of nature.
    We got up and,
    with hands clasped together and fingers entwined,
    we ran into the torrents.
    Thunder boomed and lightening flashed,
    but it did not matter
    for this is what we loved
    and how we showed our love to each other.
    We laughed, we danced, we kissed, we stood under the rain
    wishing it would never end...but eventually it must.

    Darkness clouded my vision....

    I woke up, the dream so vivid in my mind.
    Then I remembered, she was gone.
    Life must surely end sometime
    just as the rain can not go on forever.