• Her wall is crumbling away
    People are seeing through her happy façade
    They become concerned

    Quick she thinks
    Build more walls
    So she builds

    Now people think she doesn’t care
    But in truth she’s crying inside
    All alone

    She realizes she built her walls too thick
    They can’t get in
    She can’t get out

    She’s strong
    She kicks and hits the walls
    Not strong enough

    She’s loud
    She screams at the top of her lungs
    Not loud enough

    No one knows
    Who she really is
    The walls did their job

    She hates them
    Hates them with her whole being
    Body, mind, and soul

    She keeps screaming
    Though her exertion is futile
    She is heard

    A stranger passing by
    Saw through her walls
    As if they were glass

    “Would you like some help?” he asked
    She was amazed
    She could hear him

    “Yes please” she whispered
    Her voice hoarse from screaming
    Miraculously he heard

    He found a door
    One she didn’t know existed
    He let her out and held her close

    “I will never let you go” he said
    Then she realized he was her true love
    “Good” she said “because I love you”

    He looked at her and knew it to be true
    He laughed and looked at her hurt face
    “You have no idea how true that is” he said

    As he led her into their perfect heaven
    Always together
    Never alone